PORI Express: Latest News

2022-08-02 HKPORI launched the “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” in early June, so far seven reports have been released. We expect to publish two more in August, then six more before the end of the year, making a total of 15 reports this year. We intend to add ten in the first half of next year, so at the end we will have 25 reports, matching 25 years of “one country, two systems”. Here is the schedule of the review series, some having completed, some revised, some being planned:
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Published Reports (June 2022):
1) Government Officials (2022-06-07)
2) June Fourth (2022-06-14)
3) Ethnic Identity (2022-06-21)

Published Reports (July 2022):
4) Govt, PSI, handover, social indicators (2022-07-05)
5) Trust and Confidence (2022-07-12)
6) Social Conditions (2022-07-19)
7) Cross-strait political figures (2022-07-26)

Reports Pending (August 2022):
8) Feelings towards different governments and peoples
9) Freedom Indicators

Reports Pending (September to December 2022):
Reports No. 10-15

Reports Pending (January to June 2023):
Reports No. 16-25